#1 AI UGC App

Killer AI UGC videos that turn viewers into revenue

Launch AI UGC influencer campaigns in minutes and drive real results, every time.

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Only AI UGC that doesn't look robotic

We have the most satisfying sound and visual quality that sounds exactly like a human

Product showcase
Product showcase

AI UGC Video to Hold Your Product

We have the most satisfying sound and visual quality that sounds exactly like a human

Product showcase
Product showcase

AI UGC Video to Wear Your Product

Just upload your merch photo, choose a model or create one and choose video ad style

Product showcase
Product showcase

AI Lip Sync with original voice

We have the most satisfying sound and visual quality that sounds exactly like a human

Product showcase
Product showcase

Designed to fit every use case

Create winning content for social media, e-commerce, product demos, influencer campaigns, and photoshoots. No limits.

Mobile App

More installs and user engagement with authentic content at scale.

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Scale your ad creative production and boost CTR & ROAS effortlessly.

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Social Media

Drive organic sales and maximize ROAS with AI UGC content.

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Create engaging content to convert more sales.

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Create compelling UGC ads that win clients and drive results

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Get Started

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use UGCmate ads anywhere?

You own all the content you create forever, even after your plan ends. Use it across any platform without restrictions.

Are the actors real people or AI?

They’re AI-generated actors, so no delays or scheduling issues. Just keep in mind they’re modeled after real people, so avoid harmful, violent, or inappropriate content.

Can I change my plan?

Absolutely! Switch or cancel plans anytime, and the changes apply right away.

What languages are supported?

It works in 30+ languages, including English (US, UK, Australia, Canada), Spanish (Spain, Mexico), French (France, Canada), German, Japanese, Chinese, Hindi, Portuguese (Brazil, Portugal), and more.

Do unused videos roll over next month?

No, unused videos don’t roll over. Pick a plan that fits your monthly needs to maximize your usage.

Try UGCmate Now